Inveresk Gate: Excavations In The Roman Civil Settlement At Inveresk, East Lothian, 1996-2000
STAR MONOGRAPH 7 | by Mike Bishop
During the period 1996-2000, excavations of the Roman Vicus associated with the Roman Fort were conducted by AOC Archaeology within the scheduled area in the grounds of the Inveresk Gate estate at Inveresk, East Lothian. This was done in advance of development by Cala Homes (Scotland) and was a consequence of earlier important discoveries by Gordon Maxwell and Gordon Thomas. As well as confirming the results of the earlier excavations, the AOC excavations enhance understanding of the development of the Roman Vicus and the life within it. The excavations also demonstrate new evidence for how the Roman fort was constructed, and waste management during the occupation of the fort. The Inveresk Gate excavations also suggest that Inveresk had a strategic role for the Romans occupation of Southern Scotland, independent of the Antonine Wall. This Monograph is essential reading for the study of the chronology and nature of the Roman occupation of Southern Scotland.
Date of publication: 2004
ISBN: 0 9539978 0 5
Pages: 262
Illustrations: B&W