Conservation Services
AOC has a well-established archaeological conservation laboratory, the only one in Scotland and one of the few in Britain.
Our clients include heritage organisations, museums, regional councils and private individuals throughout Britain. Our conservators adhere to the International Council of Museums Code of Professional Ethics, and we are registered with the Institute of Conservation, International Institute for Conservation, ICOM-CC, WOAM, Museums and Galleries Commission and the Scottish Conservation Bureau.
Conserving our heritage
Our laboratories are fully equipped to undertake all aspects of conservation of archaeological material, including the stabilisation and conservation of artefacts and preventive treatments of archaeological and historical materials. We have facilities for the freeze-drying of wet and waterlogged materials and for X-radiography of artefacts from both terrestrial and marine environments. We employ a wide range of pre-treatment recording techniques, including high-resolution photography and laser scanning. Our specialist analysis services are wide-ranging and varied, and include stone conservation and paint analysis and restoration.
In addition to our physical conservation services, we can provide advice and guidance on conservation management planning, collections care, environmental monitoring and pest management and work with our clients to develop disaster plans and response and recovery plans for historic buildings and collections. Our conservation team can provide clients with policy advice tailored to the requirements of their historic material, ensuring that best practices are put in place that cater for the needs of our heritage.